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Toronto Insurance Services: Health Insurance

Everyone who enjoys good health hopes it will last for a lifetime. But sometimes life throws a curve. While insurance can't prevent that from happening, it can help you cope.

Critical Illness Living Benefits

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians - single parents, families, independent business owners, contract workers without benefits - suffer from serious illnesses each year. Thanks to the advance of modern medicine and technology, many of these people will survive their ordeal. But recovery can be expensive and can take a long time.

Critical illness coverage helps survivors to manage the costs associated with recovery by providing a valuable lump-sum payment. This money, which can be used for any post-illness expense, helps critical illness survivors deal with the financial demands of recovery.

This money can be used in many ways, including:

  • Replace lost income
  • Keep a business going during your crucial recovery period?
  • Pay off a mortgage
  • Reduce debt incurred during your illness
  • Renovate your home or relocate
  • Protect savings and assets from being spent on recovery
  • Help maintain your family's lifestyle
  • Make a dream come true

Contact Us. We can help plan ahead to take care of your critical illness insurance needs.

Disability Insurance
Provides you with a monthly income in case of disability. This insurance is designed to protect the income of a person who is currently employed.

Each income protection plan is different. You can choose a plan that will insure you against disability caused by either accident or sickness. Or, you can choose a plan that will cover you only if disability results from an accident.

A "waiting period" is the time you wait to qualify for benefits after you become disabled. Some plans will provide you with income after you are disabled for 30 days. Or, you could choose a waiting period of up to two years. The longer the waiting period, the lower your premium will be.

When you apply for disability insurance a number of factors determine the monthly benefit you would be eligible to receive. Those factors include your current income, occupation, age and the maximum period that benefits would be payable. For instance, if you became disabled, your policy could provide for income benefits to be paid for two years, five years, or every month until you reach the age of 70.

Contact Us.  We can help you plan for what the future may bring

Long Term Care
Provides benefits to pay the cost of health and personal care services for someone who becomes unable to care for himself or herself. To ensure a comfortable future, it makes sense to purchase long–term care insurance.

The basic coverage will fund health and personal care services for an insured person residing in a long-term care facility. You can also purchase additional coverage that would pay for home care provided in the comfort of the insured person's own home. Home care also includes help with everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning and shopping.

Depending on the plan selected, a policy could specify that benefits be paid for one year, two years, five years, or for the insured person’s entire life.

Facility Care
Provides a daily income benefit for every day that the insured person requires health and personal care services within a long-term care facility.

Home Care
An optional benefit purchased in addition to Facility Care insurance. This benefit pays for the cost of home care for an insured person. Home care is defined as a medically necessary long–term care program, recommended by a physician and provided by a licensed nurse or health care worker in the insured person’s own home.

Contact Us.  We can help you plan ahead to take care of your long-term needs.






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